
A slow website can be frustrating, especially if you don’t know how to fix it. If you’re worried that your website is slowing down searches and losing traffic, read on to learn how to make it faster.

Minimize HTTP requests

This is the most common recommendation for making a website load faster, and for good reason. The fewer files that need to be loaded, the better. However if you will hire an SEO specialist Sydney this issue will go away because they are going to fix it.

Minimize HTTP requests by:

  • Using a CDN (Content Delivery Network), which will reduce the number of requests your server needs to make by storing certain resources very close to your users’ geographic location. This can save bandwidth costs as well as time spent loading those resources on each page request (a major factor in determining whether or not a user will stick around long enough to complete an action).
  • Minimizing image sizes through compression techniques such as pngquant and lossless jpeg compression so that they don’t have to be downloaded every time someone visits your site; instead you can use one small image file with many different dimensions stored within it so it only has one request per page visit. This saves both bandwidth costs as well as load time from having multiple images being downloaded instead of just 1 large file with all dimensions needed built into it already!
  • Writing CSS stylesheets (CSS) using shorthand syntax like {color: red;} instead of writing out all properties individually like {color: red; background-color: yellow}. This allows developers who aren’t familiar with CSS yet still want something visually pleasing without having to learn all the ins-and-outs first before hand coding something up themselves manually if necessary later down again later down again again…you get where I’m going right? 🙂

Lots of plugins

Not all plugins are created equal. Some are more resource-intensive than others, which can cause your site to run slowly. The best course of action is to only use the plugins you absolutely need and then disable them when not in use (for example, disabling a Facebook plugin when your website isn’t using it anymore).

Plugins that add extra pages or code can cause a lot of strain on the server, especially if they have been abandoned by their developers and no longer updated. There are many plugins out there that have been abandoned by their creators but continue to affect your site’s performance just because they haven’t been disabled yet.

Images without compression

Images are the largest portion of a website’s weight and can make a site slow. To fix this, you need to compress images.

There are several tools that will help you compress and optimize your images such as TinyPNG and JPEGmini. Google’s PageSpeed Insights also has a tool where it will automatically optimize your images for you.

You can also use Pingdom’s free online speed test to check the load time of your website on different devices (desktop, tablet, mobile).

High-resolution images

If you are using high-resolution images on your website, this will take up more bandwidth and slow down your site. It’s important to note that many users want faster loading times for their sites, so it’s a good idea to optimize your images as much as possible. If you have lots of photos on your site, it may be time to consider reducing the image resolution and file size.

You can use a tool like Image Optimizer or TinyPNG to compress the file size of all of your images which will reduce their load times significantly!

Lots of ads on your webpage

If you have a lot of ads on your webpage, it can slow down your website.

Even if the ads are hosted on another domain, they will still make extra HTTP requests to load and display.

These extra HTTP requests are not only annoying for users but can also slow down the loading speed of your website.

Using videos and other media content

To get a jump start on improving your website’s SEO, focus on creating more video content. According to statistics compiled by Moz, videos are the most popular form of online content and have been for quite some time. They’re also in high demand from search engines like Google and Bing.

And there’s no reason why you shouldn’t be using them: videos can help increase your site’s visitors, engagement and time on site, which all contribute to improved rankings in search engine results pages (SERPs).

While it might seem like an easy task to create compelling video content for your business or blog, there’s actually a lot that goes into it—from deciding what kind of video you want to make (or commission), writing scripts and even getting actors/actresses on board with everything! So we’ve created this guide with everything you need know about how videos can positively impact SEO performance so that you can start making better use of them today!

No cache system for your website

A cache system is a copy of the content on your website. This can help increase site speed and load times because it makes it possible for users to access old versions of pages if they don’t have an internet connection when they go to the site. A cache system also allows Googlebot to crawl your site more efficiently, which means that you’ll get more traffic from search engines if you add one in place.

If you’re looking for a good caching plugin, I recommend WP Rocket or WP Super Cache . These plugins are free and easy to use! If you want something even simpler, just install Hotlink Protection (free) into WordPress so that images are cached by default.

Server response time

The server response time is the amount of time it takes for your web server to respond to a request. It’s a factor in search engine ranking and bounce rate, as well as conversion rate.

Fixing a slow website can help improve your SEO.

Speed is a crucial factor when it comes to SEO. Google measures page load speed as one of the most important indicators of user experience, and as such, they’ve made it a priority to promote websites that are fast. If you want your site’s pages to rank higher in search results, you’ll need to make sure they load faster. Here’s how:

  • Optimize Images & Minify Resources

When images are optimized for size and quality, this can help cut down on file sizes without sacrificing quality or image size. This will also improve website performance by reducing demand on your server’s resources so that more bandwidth is available for loading other items like scripts or stylesheets. In addition, compressing any unnecessary files (including CSS and JavaScript) will give your site an instant boost in speed!


So, if you’re looking to improve your SEO and have a slow website, there are many simple changes you can make. Remember to keep it simple and focus on the big four factors that affect speed: minimizing HTTP requests, reducing ad load by monetizing through affiliates instead of ads, optimizing images with compression techniques, and caching content. Find out the best way to fix a slow website.